Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)



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