Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)


Institute of Social Sciences


Prof. Mohd. Arshad



Director. Institute of Social Science



+91 98978 15991




About Department

The department of Sociology came into existence in the year 1955 as an integral part of the Institute of Social Sciences (the then: Agra University, Agra) now Dr.Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Agra. It was aimed to impart postgraduate teaching and research in Sociology along with social work and social psychology. However, the social work course became and independent or separate department in 1983. Initially the department had adopted the annual examination system but since 1970 it switched over to the semester system along with adopting an alternative course of study, that is an alternative to the university run course, which is pursued by the P.G. Colleges affiliated to the university. The department is regarded as a role model for teaching and research in sociology due to its high standards. Research is an essential aspect of the activities of the members of the department. These activities are undertaken at different levels. The collective work of the members of the department express itself in four ways:
· Planning and execution of research projects on behalf of the department.
· Organization of and participation in research seminars of the Institute.
· Production of the institute research journal “The Journal of Social Sciences”
· Supervision and guidance of the work of numerous research students working for
their research degree.
The number of students in department limit to only one section of 30 to 40 students for M.A. and 15 seats for M.Phil course. The admission of students is based on the test-cummerit rule. At present 15 students are actively pursuing their Ph.D. The department has had the unique distinction of organizing many conferences for both Indian Sociological Association and Uttar Pradesh Sociological Association. Besides, this one conference of the World Sociological Conference was organized under the convenership of Lt. Prof. R.N.Saxena, Head, Department of Sociology, who was also the founder Director of the institute.
Distinguished sociologist of international repute like Prof. Yogendra Singh, Prof. D.N.Dhanagra, Prof. Yogesh Atal, Prof. Indra Dev, Prof. R.N.Saxena, Prof. P.K.Srivastava, Prof. S.L.Sharma and Prof. S.V.Pande had been members of the department and at one or other stage of its development.


S .No




Prof. Md. Arshad










Courses & Fees

Courses NameSyllabusDuration
Minimum – Eligibility
Admission Procedure
No of SeatsFees
M.A. 2 Years (4
with 45%
M.Phil 1 Year (2
M.A. In
with 55%
Test and
Ph.D As per UGC/University Norms    

Achievements Regarding department

· The department has produced 15 Ph.D. and 30 M.Phil students in last 2 years.
· The department has a number of publications to its credits.



Prof. Vineeta Singh



Deptt. of Statistics, Institute of Social Sciences



+91 70174 65022




About Department

The department of statistics was established as a constituent department of the Institute of Social Sciences in the year 1956 under eminent statistician Professor Desraj. Illustrious academicians such as Prof. B.P. Adikari, Prof. D.D.Joshi, Prof. V.K.Sethi are among several renowned intellectuals who have served this department. This department is second oldest in Uttar Pradesh and third in North India. Since the inception the thrust has been to study and impart training in statistical applications in various fields, social sciences in particular. In 1977, the department designed the first course in computer applications in the university when there were no computers in the university. The assistance of AMU was taken for arranging practice sessions on their mainframe systems for the statistics. The department has the distinction of installing the first mainframe computer in 1985. Since then the department has been imparting training in computer applications. Presently, the department runs M.Stat. and M.Phil (Statistics) courses. Curricular Aspects Students of M.Phil are required to complete four theory papers and one dissertation on recent developments in statistical theory and practice. M.Stat. students have to undertake twelve theory courses, four practicals, one comprehensive viva-voce and one project work. Evaluation and learning process The educational pattern of the department is based upon semester system. Besides end semester examinations, the students are evaluated through various other components evaluation eg. Regular sessional tests, seminars, assignments etc. Infrastructure The department has been equipped computer lab. The departments books are maintained in Institute of Social Sciences library. Research The department offers Ph.D. and D.Sc. programs in statistics. Students are engaged in research in the fields of Survey Sampling, Design of Experiments, Statistical Inference, Economic Statistics, Demography, Bio Statistics, Operation Research, Poverty Measurement, Data-Mining, Marketing Statistics etc.



1Prof. Vineeta Singh ProfessorM. Stat, M.C.A., Ph.D.

Courses & Fees

Courses Name
Minimum – EligibilityAdmission ProcedureNo of SeatsFees


Semester I
C:-I-Computer Sciences I C:-II-Real Analysis and Matrices C:-III-Sampling Theory Practical Semester II C:-IV-Estimation Theory C:-V-Linear Estimation and Design of Experiments C:-VI-Probability and Distribution Theory Practical
Semester III
C:-VII-Testing of
Statistics and
Sequential Methods
C:-IX- Optional I
Semester IV
C:-X-Probability Limit
Theorems and
Stochastic Processes
Science II
C:XII-Optional – II
Project Work
Comprehensive Viva
2 Years (4
Bachelor’s Degree
with Mathematics
Statistics as one of
the subjects with
at least 45% of
Master’s Degree
in Mathematics or
Statistics with
45% marks
Past Academic
Record and
M.PhilSemester I
Compulsory Paper:
Probability and
Optional I
Semester II
Optional II
Optional III
1 Year (2
Master’s Degree
in Statistics with
atleast 55%
Test and
 As per UGC/University Norms    
Ph.D(Stats) As per UGC/University Norms    

Research Area

Applied Statistics, Survey Sampling, Design of Experiments, Statistical Inference, Optimization Technique


Achievements Regarding department

The department has contributed pioneering work particularly in the field of Information Theory, Stylometry and Social Mobility. The department has organized more then ten international seminars and conferences on Mathematical Statistics, Software Applications and Computational Techniques. It has developed several poverty indices undernourishment indices, product preference indices, Decision making indices for Inventory Management Systems and Queuing systems. The department has major contribution in

  • The construction of Design of Experiments

  • Optimal Stratification Techniques in Survey Sampling, on the use of auxiliary information for the development of superior estimation techniques in survey sampling.

  • Application of statistical techniques in data mining.

Recently researchers are being carried out on prediction and super population models and Bayesian Techniques in finite population estimation. More recently, the department has shown interest on the use of computer aided statistical techniques used by researchers of various disciplines and has organized several workshops



Prof. Ranvir Singh



Deptt. of Social Work, Institute of Social Sciences







About Department

The Department of Social Work was established in the year 1956. It is one of the oldest departments of Social Work of north India. It is the integral part of the Institute of Social Sciences along with the Department of Sociology and Statistics. The department formed an Alumni Association in the year 1997-1998 now known as Institute of Social Sciences Agra University Alumni Association (08.07.2012) and has achieved the membership of more than 800 former students. The major objectives and functions of the association are establishing functional linkages among the professionals (former students, educators, social work practitioners, researchers, and members of civil society) working in the fields of social work. The association facilitates in providing the professional training and job placement to the passing out students of the department.

Objectives of the Department

>  To apply for foundation knowledge, skills, values and ethics of social work practice in the assessment and treatment of individuals, families, groups, organization and communities.

>  To develop a professional identity as pioneer social work education centre by applying professional values and ethics to Social Work practice.

>  To demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for human diversity, to engage non-discriminatory culturally sensitive practice to seek social and economic justice for clients,  irrespective of age, class, caste, culture, disability, family structure, gender, marital status and religion.


Connecting people, improving lives and creating social change for a just and inclusive society, through integrated and transformative social work education, research and community engagement.


We prepare skilled and caring social work professionals to be critical thinkers and agents of positive change, through innovative social work education, impactful research and community collaborations. In all our work, we are committed to equity, diversity, inclusion, Indigeneity and to achieve a more just and inclusive society.


*  Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization

* Advocacy and Social Justice

* Collaboration and Community Engagement

* Shared Commitment

* Responsibility and Accountability

* Respect, Trust and Compassion

* Creativity, Critical Thinking and Innovation



1Dr. Ranvir SinghProfessor & HoDM.S.W. ,UGC: JRF -NET, M.A Ph.D.
2Dr. R. K. BhartiAssociate ProfessorM.S.W. UGC: JRF- NET, Ph. D.
3Dr. Rajeev VermaAssistant ProfessorM.S.W.  LL.B UGC- NET  Ph.D.
4Dr. Mohd. HussainAssistant ProfessorM.S.W.  M.Phil. UGC-NET,  Ph.D.
4Dr. Rajesh KushwahaAssistant ProfessorM.S.W., UGC-NET,  Ph.D.

Courses & Fees

Courses Name
Minimum – EligibilityAdmission ProcedureNo of SeatsFees (Rs)
M.S.W.University Syllabus2 Years (4
50% of marks in U.G. / PGAdmission Test and Interview45 11413/-
Ph.D.University Syllabus3 – 5 Years55% of Marks in PGUniversity Admission Test21As per University  Rules

Training Program

Concurrent field work programme conducted in each semesters and 90 days or twelve weeks (3 months) block placements/summer training after the 4th semester examination

Research Area

  • Uplift and Empowerment of the Weaker Section
  • Gender Issues and Violence
  • Child Rights
  • Food Security and Livelihood
  • Health Care Services

Correctional Administration Services

  • Human Resource Management
  • Social Work Practice, Labour Welfare
  • Industrial Relations and Personnel Management
  • Medical and Psychiatric Social Work
  • Rural and Urban Development

Achievements Regarding department

  • Completed 03 projects and 04 Ongoing from State Govt. 41 publications
  • 100 percent placement through camps drives and block placement.

Institute of Social Sciences (समाज विज्ञान संस्थान)


Prof. Mohd. Arshad


Institute of Social Sciences, Paliwal Park, Agra 






Constituent Departments

समाज विज्ञान संस्थान के तीन अंग हैं :


१. Sociology Department
२. Statistics Department
३. Social Work Department
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