Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)



S. No.Name of the awardeeName of the awardName of the awarding bodyCategory of award (innovation/techology transfer etc)Year of awardImage
1Smt. Anandiben Patel Honourable Chancellor, UP State UniversitiesWorldwide Book of RecordsWorldwide Book of RecordsInnovation2023View
2Prof. Ashu Rani, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, AgraNSS NTIONAL AWARD 2021-22Minister of Youth Affairs, Govt. of IndiaInnovation2023View
3Prof. Ramvir Singh, NSS CoordinatorNSS NTIONAL AWARD 2021-22Minister of Youth Affairs, Govt. of IndiaInnovation2022View
4Mr. LakshyaNSS NTIONAL AWARD 2021-22Minister of Youth Affairs, Govt. of IndiaInnovation2022View
5Ms. Tanisha Trehan, NSS VolunteerNSS NTIONAL AWARD 2019-20Minister of Youth Affairs, Govt. of IndiaInnovation2022View
6Mr. Ravi Karan, NSS VolunteerNSS NTIONAL AWARD 2018-19Minister of Youth Affairs, Govt. of IndiaInnovation2022View
7Mr. Dheerendra Pratap Singh, NSS VolunteerNSS NTIONAL AWARD 2017-18Minister of Youth Affairs, Govt. of IndiaInnovation2022View
8Community Radio 90.4PM Appreciation CertificatePMOInnovation2022View
9Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, AgraCLEAN AND GREEN CAMPUS AWARDHUNKAAR FOUNDATIONInnovation2022View
10Prof. Ashu Rani, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, AgraBest Clean & Green Campus AwardPARIJATInnovation2023View
11Prof. Ashu Rani, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, AgraSocial Activity to Help & Upgrade the SocietyPARIJATInnovation2023View
12Prof. Ashu Rani, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, AgraBest Clean & Green Campus AwardPARIJATInnovation2022View
13Prof. Ashu Rani, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, AgraSocial Activity to Help & Upgrade the SocietyPARIJATInnovation2022View
14Prof. Ajay TanejaBest PG Chemistry Teacher Homi Bhabha Centre of Science Education, TIFR, MumbaiInnovation2021View
15Prof. Sanjeev KumarAssociate Fellow AwardInternation Academy of Physical Science, Allahabad IndiaResearch2021View
16Prof Achla GakkharNew India Creator Helping hand Foundation Agra Innovation2022-23View
17Prof Achla GakkharContribution in Internship Helping Hand Foundation Agra Innovation2022-23View
18Prof Achla GakkharSwami keshwanand distinguished scientist award All India agricultural students association Innovation2022-23View
19Prof. Archana SinghEAT RIGHT MELAFSSAIInnovation2023View
20Prof Archana SinghExcellence Research / Training Award DDG (Edu.) ICAR, Govt of India & President( ISGBRD)Innovation2022-23View
21Prof. U.N. ShuklaAgra Ratan AwardChirag Youth FoundationInnovation2020View
22Prof. U.N. ShuklaCorana Award for TeachersABVP Braj RegionInnovation2021View
23Prof. Ranvir SinghOutstanding ContributionSocial and Legal Research Foundation VaranasiInnovation2021-22View
24Dr.Kaushal RanaEducational Leader of the year AwardGlobal Educational LeaderhipInnovation2022-23View
25Dr. Ranjana GuptaBest Paper Presentation AwardDeptt. of Statistics,
Agra College, Agra
Technology Transfer2022-23View
26Dr. Avnish KumarSahitya Saroj Saraswat SammanEminent work in the field of Science and Education at “Women Empowerment Day” celebration organized by Sahity Saroj Magazine and Dharmkshetr MagazineTechnology Transfer2022-23View
27Roshita ShrivastavaBest Oral PresentationGlobal approaches in agriculture and allied sciences for sustainability, food security and livelihood, Agra College, AgraTechnology Transfer2022-23View
28Rini JohnParticulate Matter Concentration and Ion Contamination in Different Indoor Microenvironments of Schools in Agra, IndiaIndian Council of Chemist, IndiaInnovation2022-23View
29Vijay Prakash JainFunctionalization of Graphene Oxide with Synthetic Polymer for Enhanced Mechanical PropertiesIndian Council of Chemist, IndiaInnovation2022-23View
30Shivani ChaudharyNanocellulose Reinforced with Chitosan for Biological Application as Wound DressingIndian Council of Chemist, IndiaInnovation2022-23View
31Nasir KhanWaste to Winder under G25G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
32Brijesh ChandelWaste to Winder under G29G20Innovation2022-23View
33Ganesh KushwahaWaste to Winder under G20G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
34Prachi JainWaste to Winder under G20G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
35Yanshu ShamiWaste to Winder under G20G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
36Anjali Waste to Winder under G20G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
37Sanskrit RathoreWaste to Winder under G20G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
38Gunjan JainWaste to Winder under G21G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
39Mehak GuptaWaste to Winder under G22G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
40CharulWaste to Winder under G23G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
41Mohit SinghWaste to Winder under G24G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
42Dhruv KumarWaste to Winder under G26G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
43Paras JainWaste to Winder under G27G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
44Dinesh ChandWaste to Winder under G28G20Technology Transfer2022-23View
45Mr. Pradeep KumarAgricultural DroneIndia Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC),2019 conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Department of Science and Technology(DST), Texas Instruments India (TI India), and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) Awarded in 2021 Award Function Link: https://youtu.be/NLLZNRcXUOcTechnology Transfer2021-22View
46 Mr. Adarsh SinghAgricultural DroneIndia Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC),2019 conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Department of Science and Technology(DST), Texas Instruments India (TI India), and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) Awarded in 2021 Award Function Link: https://youtu.be/NLLZNRcXUOcTechnology Transfer2021-22View
47Ms. Akansha SrivastavaAgricultural DroneIndia Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC),2019 conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Department of Science and Technology(DST), Texas Instruments India (TI India), and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) Awarded in 2021 Award Function Link: https://youtu.be/NLLZNRcXUOcTechnology Transfer2021-22View
48Ms. Shalini SinghAgricultural DroneIndia Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC),2019 conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Department of Science and Technology(DST), Texas Instruments India (TI India), and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) Awarded in 2021 Award Function Link: https://youtu.be/NLLZNRcXUOcTechnology Transfer2021-22View
49Mr. Mohammad AdilAgricultural DroneIndia Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC),2019 conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Department of Science and Technology(DST), Texas Instruments India (TI India), and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) Awarded in 2021 Award Function Link: https://youtu.be/NLLZNRcXUOcTechnology Transfer2021-22View
50Mr.Achint SinghAgricultural DroneIndia Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC),2019 conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Department of Science and Technology(DST), Texas Instruments India (TI India), and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) Awarded in 2021 Award Function Link: https://youtu.be/NLLZNRcXUOcTechnology Transfer2021-22View
51Dr. D. Shakina DeivAgricultural DroneIndia Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC),2019 conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Department of Science and Technology(DST), Texas Instruments India (TI India), and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) Awarded in 2021 Award Function Link: https://youtu.be/NLLZNRcXUOcTechnology Transfer2021-22View
52Anand Kumar GautamHack TechREC, Banda, U.P.Innovation2019-20View
53Kameshwar mauryaHack TechREC, Banda, U.P.Innovation2019-20View
54Kundan ChauhanHack TechREC, Banda, U.P.Innovation2019-20View
55Love MishraHack TechREC, Banda, U.P.Innovation2019-20View
56Dr. Amit GuptaFirst Prize-E-Poster Nanomaterial and Quantum dot in ChemistryLittle Flower Degree College, Uppal, Hyderabad-39Technology Transfer2021-22View
57Dr Deepti SinghBest Paper Award103rd Annual Conference of INDIAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION Innovation2020-21View
58Dr Mamta SaraswatBest Paper Award International Conference on Science, Technology and Social Humanities (ICSTSH-2018)Technology Transfer2018-19View
59Dr Rashmi SharmaBest Paper AwardInternational Conference on Science, Technology and Social Humanities (ICSTSH-2018)Technology Transfer2018-19View
60Dr. Monika AsthanaBest Professor in Biotechnology 26th Business School Affaire and Devang Mehta National Education Awards (Regional Round)Technology Transfer2018-19View
61Dr. Avnish KumarSenior Scientist AwardInternational conference on Current Challenged and Future Perspectives of Science, Technology and Social Humanities (ICSTSH-2018) and 5th Annual session of Society of Life SciencesTechnology Transfer2018-19View
62Dr. Monika AsthanaBest oral Presentation Award International Conference on Science, Technology and Social Humanities (ICSTSH-2018) organized by Department of Zoology, School of Life Sciences, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar UniversityTechnology Transfer2018-19View
63Dr. Surabhi mahajanBest oral presentationInternational Conference on Science, Technology and Social Humanities (ICSTSH-2018)Technology Transfer2018-19View
64Dr. Surbhi MahajanBest oral presentationInternational Conference on Science, Technology and Social Humanities (ICSTSH-2018)Technology Transfer2018View
65Nibha JadonBest oral presentation awardDepartment of Zoology, DBRAU and Society of Life Science Satna MPTechnology Transfer2018-19View
66Ranjana Gupta Professor Radha Kamal Mukherjee
Young Scientist Award
The Indian Social Science AssociationInnovation2018-19View
67Ranjana Gupta Best Oral Presentation AwardDept. of Zoology and School of Life Sciences, DBRAUTechnology Transfer2018-19View
68Ranjana Gupta Best Paper Presentation AwardDept. Of Mathematics, IBS, Khandari, DBRAUTechnology Transfer2018-19View
69Prof. Ajay TanejaLeadership for Academicians ProgrammeIndian Component –Delhi University, Foreign component – Cambridge UKInnovation2020View
70Dr.PriyankaYoung Social Scientist AwardMadhyanchal Sociological Society ConferenceTechnology Transfer2018View
71Dr.PriyankaBest Oral Presentation AwardInternational Conference on Science , Technology and Social Humanities, collaboration with Society of Life Sciences.Technology Transfer2018View
72Dr. Deepti SinghBest Paper Presentation AwardThe Indian Economic AssociationInnovation2020View
73Dr. Shardool MishraKshetriya Kala Pradarshni 2019Lalit Kala Academy, U.PInnovation2020View
74Dr. Shardool MishraCertificate of Merit Toolika 2001Institute of Technology, BHU, VaranasiInnovation2001View
75Dr. Shardool MishraCertificate of Merit in painting (water color)IT BHU VaranasiInnovation2001View
76Dr. Shardool MishraCertificate of Merit in water colour land scapeIT BHU VaranasiInnovation2002View
77Dr. Shardool MishraAward certificate during 5th All India contemporarDPS Ranipur HaridwarInnovation2012View
78Dr. Shardool MishraCertificate of Excellence Award, 2020 Art DiscoverArt Space Gallery Bangkok ThailandInnovation2020View
79Dr. Shardool MishraCertificate of Merit (Prashasti Patra)North Central Railway AgraInnovation2019View
80Deepak KulshresthaAppreciation Certificateannual conference of International Academy of Business Washington D.C., USA Technology Transfer2021View
81Dr. Ranjana Gupta
Professor Radha Kamal Mukherjee Young Scientist AwardThe Indian Social Science AssociationTechnology Transfer2018View
82Dr. Ranjana Gupta
Best Oral Presentation AwardDept. of Zoology and School of Life Sciences, DBRAUTechnology Transfer2018View
83Dr. Ranjana Gupta
Best Paper Presentation AwardDept. Of Mathematics, IBS, Khandari, DBRAUTechnology Transfer2018View
84Dr. Ranjana Gupta
Best Paper Presentation AwardDeptt. of Statistics,
Agra College, Agra
Technology Transfer2023View
85Dr. Varsha Rani Zonal Youth Festival MDU ROHATAK Innovation2012View
86Dr. Varsha RaniKrishna Basanti Research/ Literature Excellence Award Innovation2022View
87Dr. Varsha RaniNari Gaurav Award Geena Publication Innovation2022View
88Dr Neelu SinhaKavya Shri Hindustankavya hindustan anterrashtriya samohInnovation2022View
89Dr Neelu SinhaShrestha Sahityakar Sammansankeertan samothan samitiInnovation2022View
90Dr Neelu SinhaUtakrista Kavi SammanPrerna Hindi Pracharini sabha avam sankirtan Samotthan SamitiInnovation2022View
91Dr Neelu SinhaSahitya ShiromaniSahitya Srijan Manch BulandshaharInnovation2023View
92Dr. Mamta SrivastavaSENIOR SCIENTIST AWARD2018View
93Dr. Shalini SharmaNPTEL Online Certification with Gold Medal Award, " Advanced Graph Theory".I.I.T., MadrasTechnology Transfer2018View
94Dr. Shalini SharmaNPTEL Online Certification with Gold Medal Award, " Discrete Mathematics .I.I.T., MadrasTechnology Transfer2018View
95Dr. Shalini SharmaBest Paper Presentstion Award in International Conference on RAEP 2019Chemical Society, St. John's College AgraTechnology Transfer2019View
96Dr. Shalini SharmaNPTEL Online Certification with Elite Certificate," Machine Learning For Engineering And Science Application".I.I.T., MadrasTechnology Transfer2019View
97Dr. Shalini SharmaSucessfully Comletion of 5 days FDP on " Inculating Universal Human Values in Technical Education", Conducted by A.I.C.T.E.A.I.C.T.E., New DelhiTechnology Transfer2023View
98Dr. Ankita TripathiBest Oral Presentation CertificateNational Environmental Science Academy (NESA), New Delhi; Department of Environmental Sciences & Limnology & University Institute of Technology Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya PradeshInnovation2017View
99Dr. Madhu AnandLevels of DDT/HCH in Placenta and their Association with birth sizeSeoul National University, South Korea.Innovation2018-19View
100Himanshi RohraIndoor Exposure to total and soluble particle bound metals fractions in residential environment at (World Heritage site), Agra IndiaPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, USATechnology Transfer2018-19View
101Priyanka Agarwal Plancental Level of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their influence on birth weightRashtriya Swayamsevak SanghTechnology Transfer2018-19View
102Priyanka Agarwal Prenatal PAHs exposure and their effect on adverse pregnancy outcomesSt. Johns College, AgraTechnology Transfer2018-19View
103Rini JohnWaste to Winder under G31Indian Council of Chemist, IndiaInnovation2022-23View
104Vijay Prakash JainWaste to Winder under G32Indian Council of Chemist, IndiaTechnology Transfer2022-23View
105Shivani ChaudharyWaste to Winder under G33Indian Council of Chemist, IndiaTechnology Transfer2022-23View
106Shailendra Pratap SinghMetal Concentration in Maternal Blood, Placenta and Umbilical Cord Blood of Pregnant Women in Agra RegionS. N. Medical Colllege, Agra (ICSTPH-2020 International Conference)Innovation2020-21View
107Diksha SinghBest Poster AwardSpices are potential agents for the treatment of various cancers: National Conference on Environment and Biodiversity : Challenges and Strategies in 21st Century at Agra College, Agra Technology Transfer2020-21View
108Reema SinghBest Poster Award Duckweed (Wolffia microscopica) as a potential source of nutrition for humans National Conference on Environment and Biodiversity : Challenges and Strategies in 21st Century at Agra College, AgraInnovation2020-21View
109Priyanka Agarwal Maternal exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and its impact on anthropometric measures of neonatesDepartment of Science and Technology, New DelhiInnovation2019-20View
110Himanshi RohraIndoor-outdoor particulate association with its metal bound concentration in domestic homes of AgraFirst Asian Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality, New DelhiInnovation2019-20View
111Himanshi RohraParticulate science dynamics at Indoor microenvironments of Agra, IndiaKaunas, LithuaniaInnovation2019-20View
112Priyanka Agarwal Efffect of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Gestational Age of MotherNational Conference on Science , Technology and Emerging Applications of MicroscopyInnovation2019-20View
113Stuti DubeyEffect of Intervention (HEPA Air Purifiers) on Indooor Particulate PollutionNational Conference on Science , Technology and Emerging Applications of MicroscopyInnovation2019-20View
114Prashant Sharma Best Poster Award Water pollution : A case study of Yamuna water pollution and its future treatment: International Conference on Green Technologies, Circular economy and restoration of cultural heritage sponsored by UGC in collaboration with circular economy alliance Australia. 28-29th Nov 2019, Organized by RBS college, Agra, and RBS Community College, Bichpuri, AgraInnovation2019-20View
115Garima Jain Best Poster AwardNanotechnology based Cancer Therapy: National Conference on Resilience and Resource management in ICT for sustainable Agriculture and Biotechnology, MPS Group of Institution, AgraInnovation2019-20View