Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)



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Institute Information


Prof. V.K. Saraswat



Department of Computer Science, IBS, Khandari, Agra






About Department

The Department is an integral part of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra (formerly Agra University), situated at Khandari Campus, Agra-282002, Uttar Pradesh. Dr. B.R Ambedkar University formerly known as Agra University is one among the oldest universities in India, encompassing a broad range of academic pursuits. During the past eight decades the university has played a vital role that is reflected by its diverse achievements in significant manner over the educational map of India as well as the world. The University has conceived as an affiliating University in 1927. There are many distinguished personalities associated with the University. Prominent among them are Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, Pt. Motilal Nehru, Guljarilal Nanda, Ch. Charan Singh, Pt. Krishna Dutt Paliwal and pt. Hridyanath Kunzru.

Despite being one of the oldest university in India, Dr. B.R Ambedkar University has kept pace with changing times. Establishment of several separate institutes for imparting specialized education reflects this very fact. To keep pace with the changing times, The Institute of Engineering & Technology, which came in to being in the year 1998, has lead the University to an era of ultimate techno-creativity & scientific expertise. I.E.T has been established with the objective to meet the growing demand of technically trained people with strong knowledge of respective discipline of engineering backed with a support of latest IT systems, general management and India mythological views which would enable an engineer to be a perfect executive.

In the first phase bachelor’s degree program in three branches namely COMPUTER SCIENCE, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, AND ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING was started in July 1998 with an intake of 60 students in each branch. Later in July 2002 to keep pace with the rapidly developing and need based INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, CIVIL, INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL were added. The placement of I.E.Tians has always been excellent, as graduates of every stream are highly sought by industry. The companies and organizations recruiting I.E.Tians have been INFOSYS, SATYAM, L&T, TATA MOTORS, SONALIKA. ESCORTS, WIPRO TECH, HCL, B.H.E.L, I.T.C .


S.No.NameDesignation Qualifications
1Prof. V.K. SaraswatHead of Department M.C.A., Ph.D
2Prof. Manoj Kumar UpadhyayProfessor M.Sc., Ph.D
3Prof. Manu Pratap SinghProfessor M.C.A., Ph.D
4Dr. Sandeep Kumar JainAssociate Professor M.C.A, Ph.D
5Mr. Raj Kumar YadavAssistant Professor (Contract) M.C.A.
6Dr. Amit SinghalAssistant Professor (Contract) M.Sc., Ph.D
7Ms. Pratibha RashmiAssistant Professor (Short Term) M.C.A. NET
8Mr. Hareram KumarAssistant Professor (Short Term) M.C.A, NET
9Ms. Shweta LavaniaGuest Faculty M.Sc. (CS), NET
Courses NameSyllabusDurationMinimum – EligibilityAdmission ProcedureNo of Seats
Ph.D.   3-5 YearsAs per UGC OrdinancesUniversity Entrance Test 
MCAUniversity Syllabus 2 YearsAs per UPSEE, LucknowUPTU admission test/CTUT/University Merit list60
M.Sc (Computer Science)University Syllabus 2 YearsGraduation with Maths on 10+2 levelEntrance Test/ Merit60
PGDCAUniversity Syllabus 1 YearsGraduation with Maths, Computer Sc., BCAAs Per University Norms30

Fee Structure for Course

Course Name Tuition fees(Rs.) Caution Money/Development (one time) Rs. Total (Rs. Per Year)
M.C.A. First Year 70000/- 2000 (Caution Money Refundable) 335 (Others Charge) 72335/-
M.C.A. Second Year 70000/- —- 70000/-
M.Sc. First Year 20000/- 2000 (Caution Money Refundable) 635 (Others Charge) 26350/-
M.Sc. Second Year 20000/- 20000/-
P.G.D.C.A. First Year 15000/- 2000 (Caution Money Refundable) 635 (Others Charge) 17635/-