Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)


Institute of Home Science


Institute Information


Prof. Achla Gakkhar



Institute of Home Science, Khandari Road, Agra







About the Institute

The Institute of Home Science, located at Khandari was established in 1968 and was initially christened as Institute of Household Art and Home Science. In the beginning B.A. [Household Art] and B.Sc.[ Home Science] courses of two years were pursued. In 1970, M.A.[ Household Art] and M.Sc.[ Home Science] courses were introduced. Department of Home Science Extension Education at Bachelor’s Degree level was established in the year 1972-73 under the Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
The nomenclature of discipline of ‘HOME SCIENCE’ was adopted in accordance to the common pattern suggested by the UGC visiting committee. In 1980, the Institute was renamed as INSTITUTE OF HOME SCIENCE. Accordingly, the faculty of Home Science was created in Agra University with the new statutes in 1980 with the five departments namely-

A. Department of Home Science Education and Extension.
B. Department of Foods and Nutrition.
C. Department of Child Development.
D. Department of Clothing and Textiles.
E. Department of Home Management.

In the year 1995, the nomenclature of the degrees was changed to Bachelor of Home Science [B.Sc.] and Master of Home Science [M.Sc. General and M.Sc. Specialization] Keeping in view the national trend in Home Science education, the nomenclature of the following departments was also renamed:

Original name of DepartmentRenamed as
Department of Child DevelopmentDepartment of Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS).
Department of Foods and Nutrition.Department of Foods and Nutrition. (FN)
Department of Home Science Education and ExtensionDepartment of Extension Communication & Management (ECM).
Department of Clothing and TextilesDepartment of Textiles and Apparel Designing (TAD).
Department of Home ManagementDepartment of Family Resource Management (FRM).

*Doctoral programme was introduced in 1980.
*Specialization at Post Graduate Level was introduced in1988 in the three departments namely:

  • Foods and Nutrition
  • Human Development and Family Studies
  • Home Science Extension Communication & Management

Main features of our Institute

  • Multi-disciplinary Approach– Subjects related to Basic Sciences, Social Sciences, and Agricultural Sciences along with Major Areas of Home Science [Home Science Extension Education, Human Development and Family Studies. Textiles and Clothing, Family Resource Management, Foods and Nutrition]. Special attention is given to learning through practical training.
  • The pattern of education is semester-wise. The academic year is divided into two semesters, each semester having 6 months and minimum 100 working days. The semester system offers to each student individual attention of the teachers and facilitates the students all round development. It calls for active participation of all students in the learning process.
  • Students Club-aims at promoting competence among students and their overall personality development. Various activities are organized like-different competitions [debate, rangoli, dance, poster etc.]. Cultural programmes, group discussions and many other activities are coordinated by Faculty who act as Student Advisors by rotation.
  • The Students Cabinet consists of elected/nominated studentrepresentatives from every class of the Institute.
  • A Faculty is assigned to each class asClass Advisor who mentor the students on academic and personal issues.

Previous Directors

  • Dr. P.H.Ramaseshan – Founder Director of the Institute.
  • Professor Uma Nag
  • Professor Sathyawati Pandey Rahgir.
  • Professor Hiru Kumar
  • Professor Promila Sharma
  • Professor Bharti Singh
  • Professor Sunanda Khanna


S .No.


Phone no.






Prof. Achla Gakkhar



Director & Dean Faculty of Home Science


M.Sc ( H.Sc. ) Ph.D.


Prof. Archana Singh





M.Sc. Clinical Biochemistry


Ms. Sanghmitra Gautam



Assistant Professor


M.Sc. (H.Sc), NET

Courses & Fees

Courses NameSyllabusDurationMinimum – EligibilityAdmission Procedure
No of Seats
3 years

Intermediate/10+2 Arts, Science and + with minimum 45% for general category and with relaxation of 5% for reserved category. Reservation norms as per state govt norms.
Merit basis120 
M.Sc.H.Sc. [General]with 3 month internship 2 yearsB. Sc [Home Science] with minimum 50% for general category and with relaxation of additional 5% for reserved category. Reservation norms as per university rules.Merit,
Entrance Test and Interview
M.Sc.H.Sc. [Specialization]
* Human Development and Family Studies
* FN (Food Nutrition – with 3 month internship)
*ECM (Extension Communication and Management)
 2 yearsB.H.Sc. / B. Sc [Home Science] with minimum 50% for general category and with relaxation of additional 5% for reserved category. Reservation norms as per university rules.Merit,
Entrance Test and Interview
 3+3+3 in each area of Specialization
Ph.D. 4 yearsM.H.Sc.Specialisation in the respective area of Home ScienceEntrance Test Maximum 8 as per eligibility of Research Guide

Training Program

(i)     Entrepreneurship Development-21 Days

(ii)    Food Cookery, Bakery and Food Preservation -1 Month, Internship for 6 months in Dept. of Dietetics.

(iii)  Textile Designing-15 Days

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