Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)



S.No.Name of the TeacherName of the FellowshipPurpose of the GrantStature of fellowship (National/International)Awarding AgencyYear of Award
1Dr. Ritesh KumarFacebookAdvanced StudiesInternationalFacebook2019
2Prof. Mohd. ArshadMinistry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of IndiaAdvanced StudiesNationalU. P. State Government2019
3Prof. Mohd. ArshadMinistry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India Advanced StudiesNationalCentral Government2020
4University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazCovid-19 Specific and Sensitive Risk Communication and Community engagement through Community Radio during Covid-19 outbreakCovid-19 Specific and Sensitive Risk Communication and Community engagement through Community Radio during Covid-19 outbreakNationalU. P. State Government2020
5Er. Babalu Kumar/Prof. Manu Pratap SinghStream Analysis of FGM Plate under Mechanical LoadingResearchNationalNPIU, MHRD2020
6Er. Naman Garg/Prof. Harish ParthasarthyDevelopment & Application of Quantum Schrodinger Communication Channel Based on Classical SourcesResearchNationalNPIU, MHRD2020
7Dr. Neeru/Prof. Ajay TanejaFabrication of Relative Humidity…..ApplicationsResearchNationalNPIU, MHRD2020
8Dr. Manoj Kumar RathorePt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Shodhpeeth ResearchNationalU. P. State Government2020
9Prof. A.K. Mittal (Vice-Chancellor)Tradional Culture in Uttar Pradesh: With Special Reference to Braj and Bundelkhand RegionResearchNationalU. P. State Government2020
10Prof. Manu Pratap SinghStudy and implementation of Machine Learning techniques of pattern recognition of Biometrics and
IRIS features
Advanced StudiesNationalU. P. State Government2021
11Prof. Ajay TanejaCharacterization of fine particulate matter and settled dust in schools of Agra and its Health Implications. Advanced StudiesNationalU. P. State Government2021
12Prof. BP SinghPreliminary feasibility analysis of standalone PV system in the campus of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar
University Agra
ResearchNationalU. P. State Government2021
13Prof. Sanjeev KumarMathematical Modelling of Tumor Growth and its Treatment ResearchNationalU. P. State Government2021
14Prof. Gautam JaiswarSynthesis, Characterizations and application of modified cellulose nano crystals composites from
agricultural wastes
ResearchNationalU. P. State Government2021
15University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazWorld Tuberculosis DayTurberculosis AwarenessNationalCMO and DTO Agra2021
16University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazAwareness on Covid-19 and to encourage/appreciate youngesters who help others to survive well during PendemicAwareness on Covid-19 and to encourage/appreciate youngesters who help others to survive well during PendemicNationalU. P. State Government2021
17University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazAKAAR Phase-2AKAAR Phase-2NationalU. P. State Government2021
18University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazKrishi Vigyan Kendra, R.B.S College, Agra.ें द्र केफसल अवशेष प्रबंधन काययक्रमNational Krishi Vigyan Kendra, R.B.S College, Agra.2021
19University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazCovid Vaccine hesistancySMART (NGO)NationalU. P. State Government2021
20Prof. Anil Verma (Department of History & Culture)Making of Modern Agra (1803 AD to 1857 AD)ResearchNationalU. P. State Government2021
21Prof. Sanjeev Kumar (Department of Mathematics)Advance Mathematical Software Lab as per NEP-2020 requirements)Advanced StudiesNationalU. P. State Government2022
22Prof. Achla Gakar (Institute of Home Science)Cetre of Excellance for Women EmpowermentAdvanced StudiesNationalU. P. State Government2022
23Prof. Ajay Taneja (Department of Chemistry)Role of Green Chemistry in controlling environmental pollutionAdvanced StudiesNationalU. P. State Government2022
24Prof. Manu Pratap Singh (Department of Computer Science)Study, Research and Development of Machine Learning Techniques for data analysis and pattern recognitionAdvanced StudiesNationalU. P. State Government2022
25University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazAwareness on Tuberculosis, Covid Vaccination and Maternal child health & nutrition. Awareness on Tuberculosis, Covid Vaccination and Maternal child health & nutrition. NationalU. P. State Government2022
26Dr. Rajneesh Kumar
Nutritional and livelihood security of small scale farmers of Braj region through Vetiveria and Desmostachya using Biotechnological tool ResearchNationalU. P. State Government2022
27Prof. Devendra KumarBiomedical and photocatalytic studies of doped nanoparticles synthesized by green chemistry approach ResearchNationalU. P. State Government2022
28Prof. Ranvir SinghStreet Children in Agra City: A Socio-Demographic Study.ResearchNationalU. P. State Government2022
29University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazTB Active Case Finding
and DTO, Agra
NationalU. P. State Government2022
30University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazAKAAR Phase-3Strengthening and nurturing Adolescent Empowerment towards building resilient communities in the context of COVID-19NationalU. P. State Government2022
31University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazAwareness on Tuberculosis (SMART NGO)
Awareness on Tuberculosis
NationalU. P. State Government2022
32University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazCovid-19: Its Mutation, CAB and Vaccination of 15-18 yearsCovid-19: Its Mutation, CAB and Vaccination of 15-18 yearsNationalU. P. State Government2022
33Prof. Ranvir SinghMDM Social Audit of PM Poshran Yojna Govt. U.P. ResearchNationalU. P. State Government2023
34Prof. Ranvir SinghMDM Social Audit of PM Poshran Yojna Govt. U.P. MDM Social Audit of PM Poshran Yojna Govt. U.P. NationalU. P. State Government2023
35Prof. BD Shuklaसोरो सूकर क्षेत्र के गंगा गुरुओं की वाहियों का ऐतिहासिक अध्ययनResearchNationalU. P. State Government2023
36Prof. Archana SinghNutritional and Intervention on Anemia among women residing in AgraResearchNationalU. P. State Government2023
37Dr. Rajeev VermaPandemic Covid-19 and Social Work Intervention: A Study of People Affected with Covid-19 of District Agra, U.P.ResearchNationalU. P. State Government2023
38Dr. Mohd. HusainImpact of ICDS on Expected Mothers and Children: A Study of selected Anganwadi Centres of Agra DistrictResearchNationalU. P. State Government2023
39Dr. Rajesh KushwahA Study of Impact of Programes and Policies for Disable PersonsResearchNationalU. P. State Government2023
40Prof. Achla GakkharGender Inequality: Knowledge and Opinion of Peoples in Agra DistrictResearchNationalU. P. State Government2023
41University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazAKAAR Phase-4 Empowering Adolescents through Community Radio to Function Optimally for Convergent Programming & Undertaking Concurrent Monitoring, Building strong MIS Systems, Youth EngagementsNationalU. P. State Government2023
42University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki Awazजन्म मृत्यु पंजीकरण जागरूकता अभियानSocial AwarenessNationalCMO Agra2023
43University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki Awazसघन दस्त नियंत्रण पखवाड़ाSocial AwarenessNationalCMO Agra2023
44University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazAKAAR Phase-4 (Part-2)UNICEF and Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow (MSME and Export Promotion, Government of Uttar Pradesh, India).NationalU. P. State Government2023
45University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazAKAAR Phase-4 (Part-3)UNICEF and Sharnam Sewa Samiti (NGO), Lucknow.NationalU. P. State Government2023
46University Community Radio 90.4 Agra ki AwazYara Fertilizers India Pvt. Ltd.12 Months Awareness
Program on Fertilizers
for Farmers.
NationalU. P. State Government2023