Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra


An Institution Of 90 Years of Glorious History & Contributions In Teaching And Research (Accreditated Grade A+ by NAAC) (called at the place of Agra University,

Agra from 24.09.1995 vide U.P. Govt. Notification No. 33/XVII-V-1-1(ka)-43-1996, dated 06.01.1996)


Vision & Mission


“To be a quality higher education Institution by producing students with knowledge, professional skill and ethical values and remain as preferred partner to the Industry and Community for their progress and development”


“Tamso Maa Jyotigamay

Lead me from darkness to light”


  1. To make our education relevant and excellent.
  2. To contribute to the advancement of knowledge through research, publication and disseminations
  3. To develop student aptitudes and skills as well as make them conscious of their duty to the country and to fellow human beings.
  4. Promote a culture of excellence in all activities of the University by implementing good practices

Core Values

  1. Academic freedom and flexibility
  2. Collegiality and team work
  3. Concern for the environment and society
  4. Transparency and accountability for all stake holders.