Chairmain-Prof. Ashu Rani, Vice Chancellor
Vice Chairman-Prof. Ajay Taneja, Pro-Vice Chancellor
Director-Prof. Sanjay Chaudhary
Dy. Director-Prof. U.C. Sharma
Secretary-Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Registrar
“To be a quality higher education Institution by producing students with knowledge, professional skill and ethical values and remain as preferred partner to the Industry and Community for their progress and development”
To make our education relevant and excellent.
To contribute to the advancement of knowledge through research, publication and disseminations
To develop student aptitudes and skills as well as make them conscious of their duty to the country and to fellow human beings.
Promote a culture of excellence in all activities of the University by implementing good practices
“Tamso Maa Jyotigamay
Lead me from darkness to light”
Core Values
- Academic freedom and flexibility
- Collegiality and team work
- Concern for the environment and society
- Transparency and accountability for all stake holders.
IQAC Committee Notice 06.06.2023
Criteria I : 1. Prof. Manu Pratap Singh
- Prof. S.C. Upadhyaya
- Prof. Gautam Jaiswar
- Dr. Pushpendra Singh
- Ms. Shivani Gupta
- Ms. Pratibha Rashmi
Criteria II : 1. Prof. Mohd. Arshad
- Prof. Pradeep Shridhar
- Prof. Bindu Shekhar Sharma
- Dr. S. K. Jain
- Dr. Ankur Gupta
Criteria III : 1. Prof. B.P. Singh
- Prof. Archana Singh
- Prof. Ranveer Singh
- Dr. Mohd. Hussain
- Dr. Shilpi Lavania
Criteria IV : 1. Prof. Sanjay Chaudhary
- Prof. Devendra Kumar
- Dr. R.K. Bharti
- Dr. Ranjit Bharti
- Er. Hari Mohan Sharma
Criteria V : 1. Prof. Anil Kumar Gupta
- Prof. Brijesh Rawat
- Prof. Lavkhush Mishra
- Dr. Akhilesh Saxena
- Dr. Monika Asthana
- Dr. Avnish Kumar
Criteria VI : 1. Prof. Ajay Taneja
- Prof. Manoj Upadhyay
- Prof. Bhupendra Swaroop Sharma
- Dr. Seema Singh
- Mr. Ved Prakash Mishra
Criteria VII : 1. Prof. Achla Gakkhar
- Prof. R. K. Agnihotri
- Prof. B. D. Shukla
- Dr. Rajeev Verma
- Dr. Subodh Sharma
- Ms. Pooja Saxena
Control Office
- Dr. Sunil Upadhyay
- Dr. Shilpi Lavania
- Dr. Subodh Sharma
- Dr. Ankur Gupta
- Dr. Avnish Kuma
AQAR 2021-22
AQAR 2020-21
AQAR 2019-20
AQAR 2018-19
AQAR 2017-18
- 2022.08.24 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2022.09.21 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2022.09.23 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2022.12.02 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.04.04 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.04.05 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.04.08 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.05.24 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.06.05 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.06.12 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.06.26 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.06.28 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.07.03 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.07.05 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.08.09 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.11.04 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2023.12.11 Minutes of IQAC Meeting
- 2022.10.11 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2022.09.25 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2022.09.23 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2022.09.21 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2022.08.24 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2022.08.21 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2022.02.04 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2021.10.19 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2021.09.21 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2021.09.02 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2021.01.16 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2020.04.30 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2019.11.21 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2019.10.21 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2019.05.02 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- 2019.02.27 Minutes IQAC Meeting
- Action taking report 2018-19
- Action taking report 2019-20
- Action taking report 2020-21
- Action taking report 2021-22
- Action taking report 2022-23
- 2019.12.20. IQAC Workshop Report
- 2020.01.18 IQAC Workshop Report
- 2021.02.15 IQAC Workshop Report
Feedback Forms
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on AQAR
1. What is IQAC ?
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is a cell propagated by NAAC for every accredited institution for quality sustenance initiatives. Institutions may establish IQAC for enhance the quality culture.
2. How to establish IQAC ?
To establish IQAC, NAAC has formulated the Internal Quality Assurance Cell guidelines. Kindly visit and click on institutions and download the guidelines.
3. What is the role of IQAC ?
Roles and responsibilities are given in the guidelines document. Please see the IQAC guidelines.
4. What is the AQAR ?
Annual Quality Assurance Report – (AQAR) is a yearly report, which should be submitted to NAAC every year by all Accredited Institutions as per the format prescribed by online. Please visit NAAC website:
5. Where can we see the AQAR format ?
The latest AQAR format is available at NAAC website, kindly follow the link.
6. Why Institution should submit AQAR ?
All the HEI’s accredited by NAAC should submit AQAR report to NAAC every year. The AQAR period would be the Academic Year. For example, June 1, 2012 to May 31, 2013. AQAR would be helpful to know the improvements of the institution after the accreditation.
7. What is the use of AQAR ?
AQAR is a useful document which gives overall picture of the institutional growth in all the seven criteria’s identified by NAAC for the year . It also provides systematic data with respect to various improvements to be taken up by the institution.
8. What will happen if institution does not submit AQAR ?
AQAR submission is mandatory for all Accredited Institutions. It is one of the mandatory requirements for subsequent cycle of accreditation. If the institution has not submitted earlier AQAR, it needs to submit before filling up the IIQA or at least before submission of RAR report to NAAC. From January 1, 2019 onwards only online AQAR will be accepted. Institutions are requested to look into NAAC portal. AQAR submission is must for Accredited HEIs. During the Institutional visit the NAAC peer teams will interact with the IQACs to know the progress, functioning as well quality sustenance initiatives undertaken.
9. How to do the Submission of AQAR online at NAAC ?
The online AQAR has been designed by NAAC and same is available in the NAAC website in word file. The submission of the AQAR by email has been closed on 31st December 2018 (in old format). The HEI’s are requested to submit the AQAR online through application available at NAAC web portal only. The following steps to be followed.
• If the Institutions has been accredited by NAAC before 2017, Institutions need to register in the NAAC portal by clicking New Registration.
• Create on HEI Portal by registering in the NAAC web portal,
• Download the AQAR (word file) and prepare the AQAR data to be submitted online through NAAC portal.
• Submit AQAR by online by using Institutional Password.
• The Institutions willing to submit the AQAR in the New format by online are welcome. The AQAR for the year 2017-18 may be submitted through online by NAAC Portal only.
• Please note that the changes can be done in each Criteria after saving the file. Once final version is submitted to the NAAC you can’t change the data.
• Refer “how to submit AQAR by online’’ (word file attached).
10. Institution has not submitted any AQAR to NAAC, what needs to be done ?
If the institution did not submit AQAR to NAAC, institution needs to submit all previous AQAR online only in new format. The AQAR upto 2019-20 need to be submitted in the previous format of AQAR. Please ref. AQAR needs to be submitted to NAAC Annually. The AQAR period would be the Academic Year. For example, June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016. NAAC has revised the Guidelines for the Creation of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) in Accredited Institutions. The revised guidelines has come into effect from August,2020 for the Academic session 2020-2021. The Higher Education institutions which are submitting the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) from 01-01-2019 onwards need to submit in the revised format only. The Guidelines for the Creation of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Submission of Annual
11. Our institution was accredited in 2004..!! 2005..!! etc., we have not submitted single
AQAR to NAAC, what should institution do now? We are applying to NAAC.
AQAR needs to be submitted to NAAC Annually. The AQAR period would be the Academic Year. For example, June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016. NAAC has revised the Guidelines for the Creation of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) in Accredited Institutions. The revised guidelines has come into effect from August,2020 for the Academic session 2020-2021. The Higher Education institutions which are submitting the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) from 01-01-2019 onwards need to submit in the revised format only. The Guidelines for the Creation of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) in Accredited Institutions is placed below in word file. The AQAR submission in online please visit NAAC website Only online AQAR is accepted by NAAC.
12. We have submitted our AQAR previously through E-mail, now also we can submit through E-mail ?
No. The institutions are advised to submit the AQAR by online only from 01-01-2019. No email submissions are encouraged after 01-01-2019
13. We are accredited in the year 2004/ 2004/2005 etc., whether AQAR need to be submitted in old format or New format ?
New format only. The revised guidelines has come into effect from 1st June 2018. NAAC has revised the Guidelines for the Creation of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) in Accredited Institutions. Those institutions who have not submitted the AQAR need to submit in the new format only. Please visit our website link
14. We have sent the HARD copy of AQAR’s but we have not sent the SOFT copy (by email) ?
No Hard copy is required to submit. The AQAR submission is online. Kindly visit the link The AQAR needs to be submitted on-line. No hard copy submissions are encouraged.
15. Can we fill all five year data in one AQAR’ report and send it to NAAC ?
NO, there should be separate AQAR submission to NAAC for each year. The institutions are advised to submit online AQAR every year
16. How should we send AQAR’s ?
All AQAR should be submitted online only.
17. How will we receive the acknowledgement ?
The Online submission of AQAR will have automatic Acknowledgement. If the institutions couldn’t get the Acknowledgement, please call on 080-23005258/131.
18. Whether the institution should keep the AQAR copy for reference?
Yes, it is always suggested to save the final copy for institutional future reference. One copy may be kept at Vice Chancellor / Director / Principal / Head of Institution office / room and other copy at IQAC centre and one more copy with NAAC coordinator of the institution.
19. NAAC has declared grade HEI need to submit AQAR ?
Ex. i): If an HEI is accredited on 16 Sept. 2019, the HEI needs to submit the AQAR of 2018-
2019 before December 31, 2019. It means, previous Completed Academic Year (2018-2019)
AQAR needs to be submitted.
Ex. ii): If an HEI is accredited on 12 March 2020, the HEI needs to submit the AQAR of
2019-2020 before December 31, 2020. It means, the previous Completed Academic Year
(2019-2020) AQAR needs to be submitted.
20. What data should be filled whether it is as per academic year or calendar year? 21. Should we fill data in the portal also and in the attachment also ?
Ans : Academic year should be considered.
21. Should we fill data in the portal also and in the attachment also ?
Ans : Yes. If you have more than 10 entries then kindly enter a few data in the data table and
other details you can upload using the upload option.
22. In the portal only 10 records are taken but we have huge data for a metric. How should we enter that ?
Ans : . If you have more data then kindly enter a few data in the data table and other details you can upload using the upload option.
23. How many AQARs are to be submitted for 1 cycle ?
Ans : AQAR need to be submitted.
24. HEI has received clarification for metrics, HEI does not have any data for metrics but the portal is not saving Zero / NIL / NA in those metrics. How to provide data for these metrics ?
Ans: The software is designed to take 0 or NIL, if any difficulty, please raise the issues using
support/ helpdesk in HEI portal.
25. Ours is an autonomous college, but in the respective academic year of the AQAR it was an affiliated college, so we should submit AQAR as an affiliated / autonomous college ?
Ans: For ex. Academic year 2015-16 the HEI is affiliated, please submit in affiliated AQAR,
for Academic year 2017-18 the HEI has been conferred with Autonomous status for AQAR
2017-18. Please submit AQAR in Autonomous college format only.
26. The HEI has submitted AQAR previously through E-mail, now also HEI can submit Through Email ?
Ans: No. the HEI need to submit the AQAR online mode only.
27. AQAR reopened after submission. There is no updation required and no need for adding in this case what I should do.
Ans: To help the HEI at least for few data updation in the submitting of AQAR, NAAC reopens the AQAR for HEI to cross check and updation if any. If HEI does not have any updation, Kindly reply in the response box state that no updation required, which is available in the submission page
28. Our HEI is first time/first cycle applying to NAAC, IQAC is mandatory.
Ans: Yes, the HEI need to establish the IQAS as per NAAC guidelines. It will facilitate the HEI to internalise the quality cultures, AQAR submission is not required during First cycle. But for Second cycle onwards the AQAR submission is mandatory.
29. Whether NAAC will extend the date of submission for all previous AQAR ?
Ans: NAAC will not extend the dates of submission of AQAR every year the AQAR, the AQAR need to be submitted before 31st December. In case of any national emergencies or exigencies then take a decision. Refer to NAAC notification of extension if any in regular situations, HEIs are advised to submit all previous AQAR to NAAC with the usual deadline.
30. The recent notification from NAAC about SSR submission asks for data to be submitted from 1st June 2019 to 31st December 2020 for the academic year 2019-20. Does the same instruction apply for submission of data for AQAR for the academic year 2019-20 ?
Yes. The same has been adopted for AQAR also. The data to be submitted from 1st June 2019 to 31st December 2020 for the AQAR Academic year 2019-20.
31. What are the mandatory disclosures to put on the HEIs Website ?
To ensure the transparency in the process of Assessment and Accreditation, it is necessary for the Higher Educational Institution’s (HEI’s) to upload the SSR along with other relevant documents on Institutional website. Thus it is suggested to create a separate NAAC tab/link on Higher Educational Institution’s (HEI’s) website and upload following documents till the validity period of Accreditation is over:
1) SSR submitted online, to be uploaded after DVV process only (.pdf format).
2) Data templates which are uploaded along with SSR (in password protected mode, if needed).
3) Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR – Year wise)
4) Accreditation outcome document viz., Certificate, Grade sheet, etc.
The Higher Educational Institution’s (HEI’s) may suitably design their NAAC tab/link to
accommodate all relevant documents.
32. What is the format for AQAR Academic year 2020-21?
The NAAC has recently brought out AQAR new guideline in line with different manuals.
The AQAR guideline is available in NAAC website.